I always love these breathless stories of great speed, and how VCs love them ...
Though, when I look at the “great speed”, it is often on par with or less than Scalable Informatics sustained years before. From 2013 SC13 show, on the show floor, after blasting through a POC at unheard of speed, and setting long standing records in the STAC-M3 benchmarks …
Article in question is in the Register. Some of the speeds and feeds:
* 200 microsecs latency * 45GBps read bandwidth * 15GBps write bandwidth * 7 million IOPS But then … a fibre connection.
pcilist: because sometimes you really, really need to know how your PCIe devices are configured
If you don’t know what I am talking about here, that’s fine. I’ll assume you don’t do hardware, or you call someone else when there is a hardware problem. If you think “well gee, don’t we have lspci? so why do we need this?” then you probably have not really tried to use lspci to find this information, or didn’t know it was available. Ok … what I am talking about.
This is the post an entrepreneur hopes to never write. They pour their energy, their time, their resources, their love into their baby. Trying to make her live, trying to make her grow. And for a while, she seems to. Everything is hitting the right way, 12+ years of uninterrupted growth and profitable operation as an entirely bootstrapped company. Market leading … no … dominating … from the metrics customers tell you are important … position.
Some updates coming soon
I should have something interesting to talk about over the next two weeks, though a summary of this is Scalable Informatics is undergoing a transformation. The exact form of this transformation is still being determined. In any case, I am no longer at Scalable. Some items of note in recent weeks.
M&A;: Nimble was purchased by HPE. Not sure of the specifics of “why”, other than HPE didn’t have much in this space.
Best comment I've seen in a bug report about a tool
So … gnome-terminal has been my standard cli interface on linux GUIs for a while. I can’t bring myself to use KDE for any number of reasons. Gnome itself went in strange directions, so I’ve been using Cinnamon atop Mint and Debian 8. Ok, Debian 8. Gnome-terminal. Some things missing when you right mouse button click. Like “open new tab”. Open new window is there. This works. But no tab entry.
structure by indentation ... grrrr ....
If you have to do this:
:%s/\t/ /g in order to get a very simple function to compile because of this error
File "./", line 13 return sum ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level even though your editor (atom!!!!??!?!) wasn’t showing you these mixed tabs and spaces … Yeah, there is something profoundly wrong with the approach. The function in question was all of 10 lines.
What is old, is new again
Way back in the pre-history of the internet (really DARPA-net/BITNET days), while dinosaur programming languages frolicked freely on servers with “modern” programming systems and data sets, there was a push to go from a static linking programs to a more modular dynamic linking. The thought processes were that it would save precious memory, not having many copies of libc statically linked in to binaries. It would reduce file sizes, as most of your code would be in libraries.
That was fun: mysql update nuked remote access
Update your packages, they said. It will be more secure, they said. I guess it was. No network access to the databases. Even after turning the database server instance to listen again on the right port, I had to go in and redo the passwords and privileges. So yeah, this broke my MySQL instance for a few hours. Took longer to debug as it was late at night and I was sleepy, so I put it off until morning with caffeine.
An article on Rust language for astrophysical simulation
It is a short read, and you can find it on arxiv. They tackled an integration problem, basically using the code to perform a relatively simple trajectory calculation for a particular N-body problem. A few things lept out at me during my read. First, the example was fairly simplistic … a leapfrog integrator, and while it is a symplectic integrator, this particular algorithm not quite high enough order to capture all the features of the N-body interaction they were working on.
Brings a smile to my face ... #BioIT #HPC accelerator
Way way back in the early aughts (2000’s), we had built a set of designs for an accelerator system to speed up things like BLAST, HMMer, and other codes. We were told that no one would buy such things, as the software layer was good enough and people didn’t want black boxes. This was part of an overall accelerator strategy that we had put together at the time, and were seeking to raise capital to build.