But, of course
So I ran out of space on my travel laptops small SSD. I wanted to update to a larger SSD, and I figured I’d move my partitions over and resize. But the gods would not allow for such an operation as they have in the past. Oh no. Upon switching out the 120 GB Intel SSD for the 240 GB SSD (spare unit we had), and putting the 120 GB SSD into a USB 3 holder, I discovered that a) the drive wouldn’t register with the machine most of the time (it errored out during SCSI plugin detection), or b) when it did detect properly, it wouldnt provide partitions I could copy off.
Our little time series analytical appliance is one fast monster
Running some burn in testing:
Run status group 0 (all jobs): READ: io=523296MB, aggrb=12093MB/s, minb=12093MB/s, maxb=12093MB/s, mint=43274msec, maxt=43274msec WRITE: io=523296MB, aggrb=7469.4MB/s, minb=7469.4MB/s, maxb=7469.4MB/s, mint=70059msec, maxt=70059msec More soon
This week past has been (mostly) incredible
Feeling not happy about my time away from my family, and not happy about Vipin’s time away from his, we still accomplished a great deal. Some unhappy things I still have to deal with, and I will soon. But this has been a great week. Look for some announcements around the SC13 show. We will have some nice things to talk about at our booth (#1919 , please do come and visit us there, we will have coffee, snacks, as well as our team, partners, and friends there!
And the benchmarks are out
Check out the official site for more info. Take home messages for the soon to be announced system
What is this magical beast you ask? What are its configuration limits? You’ll have to wait for the official unveiling.
New benchmark results imminent
Will update once they are released. I can’t tell you numbers within. I can say that we are quite happy with the results. More (very) soon. I promise.
Heh ...
[ ![](/images/eunuch programmers.jpg)
This would be funny if it weren't sad
Over on the pfSense mailing list there is a serious level of tin-foil-hat (TFH) and rampant paranoia, coupled with extreme lack of etiquette on the part of the TFH brigade. And, to make it more enjoyable, at least one overt and humorous case of attempted cyber bullying against me personally for imploring people to stop hijacking a technical discussion list, as well as people decrying a faux oppression from people whom are genuinely wanting the list to return to its technical roots.
Oh dear lord
Lets see if this actually materializes. Its pretty obvious as to how hard the media folks tried to spin this with the title. A good rubric for how the US media treats the president and his opposition could be found in this cartoon. With that in mind, read the title of that article, and then note this little tidbit on the inside:
Notice the scare quotes around the word treason. Treason has a very straighforward definition in the US Constitution.
Starting to build the Tiburon Data Store
This is fun, basically something that I’ve wanted to do, and it gets me closer to the point where I’ve wanted to be for a while … building TREDS (Tiburon REliable Data Store). Code is up in the IDE, and I am building the CRUD and metadata portions now. If all goes well (it never does), we should be storing/retrieving objects soon. Very exciting …
You get what you vote for
This is sad.
Here’s the really sad parts of this
Not only did they close the parks, but they turned off the web sites The park employees are being ordered to make life as hard as possible for the patrons. None of this had to happen. Had the democrats decided that, ya know, in a political environment where negotiation is the key to advancing agendas, and not a burnt ground strategy, chances are they would be able to get some of what they wanted.